“Pennies to Pasta” Dinner – March 20
Re-Education AWARD Program’s 3rd annual spaghetti dinner will take place on March 20, 2015. This years “Pennies to Pasta” will be held at La Malfa Party Center in Mentor from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Join us for a delicious meal, Chinese Auction, 50/50 raffle, DJ and dancing and open bar. Admission is $30/person ($15 kids 12 and under). Proceeds will benefit students and school programs at Re-Education Services. See flyer under Community Links for more info.
Anthony Ianni Visits Re-Ed!
Former Michigan State basketball player Anthony Ianni visited Re-Ed on Nov 12 to spread his anti-bullying message into Ohio. Mr Ianni drove a big bus across Michigan last year, spreading his anti-bullying message to 659 schools in Michigan in one year. This year he is taking his message out of state.
Mr. Ianni was bullied and harassed over his size growing up and he faced another challenge, being diagnosed with autism at the age of four.
“I’ve overcame those challenges and gone on to great things, just to become the first known basketball player with autism,” Ianni said.
The students were captivated by his presentation and had many questions for him during the Q&A portion. Our thanks to Mr. Ianni for coming to Re-Ed and sharing his experiences. PYD!
Back to School!
We hope everyone had a great summer!! Classes began at Re-Ed on August 25th. There is a school calendar on the website in the Community Links box in the top left corner where you can see all of the dates for the upcoming school year. Note that the new school day hours are 8:00-2:15. We are looking forward to a great year!